Los Padres ForestWatch protects wildlife, wilderness, water, and sustainable access throughout the Los Padres National Forest and the Carrizo Plain National Monument. We achieve this through education, advocacy, and when necessary, legal action for the benefit of our communities, climate, and future generations.

News Items

The Role of Participation in the Legislative Process

Highlights from The Power of Participation event and a call for immediate legislative action!

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Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Against the County of San Luis Obispo to Save Endangered Species

New lawsuit seeks water releases from Lopez Dam to restore endangered steelhead habitat

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Federal Legislative Update: Successes, Setbacks, and Sneaky Loopholes

Highlights of some key legislation we’ve been tracking and our efforts to support or oppose various bills.

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Controversial ‘Fix Our Forests Act’ Threatens Environmental Protections, Sparks Widespread Opposition

The legistalation would rollback protections from the National Environmental Policy Act and other bedrock environmental laws.

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CalGEM Oxnard Community Meeting

CalGEM aims to plug 51 high priority oil and gas wells in Ventura County by 2025.

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Ventura County Board of Supervisors Suspends Amendments Aimed at Holding Polluters Accountable

Ventura County Board of Supervisors (BOS) voted–to suspend further work on increasing oil and gas surety & bonding.

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